sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

  1. They drove in the Juarez.
  2. Adilene ate pizzas.
  3. Edgar played voleball
  4. We sang in the school
  5. Alondra danced in the park
  6. Diego didn´t go to school
  7. Jazmin didn´t make dinner
  8. We didn´t draw a car
  9. They didn´t cook spagetti
  10. She didn´t wash the dishes
  11. Did They drive in the juarez? Yes, They did.
  12. Did We draw a car? No, We didn´t.
  13. Did Edgar play voleball? Yes, He did.
  14. Did We sing in the school? Yes, We did.
  15. Did She wash the dishes? No, She didn´t.

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